Saturday, November 17, 2012


Instruction:Read the questions and choose the best answer!

01.Nuclear factories in Ukraine are predicted not only 
dangerous to the environment but also _________ to the human population.
a. risk
b. risks
c. risky
d. to be risked

02.Human babies tend to play with small things surrounding them and _________.
a. so do cat babies
b. baby cats too
c. so do babies cats
d. cat babies do so

03.Both Iran and United States ______ susceptible to be the most 
potential nuclear-weapon developer countries. 
a. is
b. was
c. are
d. were

04.Neither mice nor rats ___________.
a. is living in clean places
b. are living in clean places
c. has lived in clean places
d. do not live in clean places

05.Cobra snakes do not have four-chamber heart and 
rattle snakes ______ either.
a. does not
b. have not
c. do not
d. has not

06.The use of Pound sterling in international market is not really
 significant and often to use ______ its value is always higher than Dollar.
a. but also
b. and
c. but
d. nor

07._________ arsenic substance found in the food eaten by John F Kennedy
 or iron ore in his wine has proved to be the cause of his death.
a. Both
b. Either
c. Neither
d. Not

08.It was not Jesus ______ Paul who actually spread the Christianity
 concept through over the world.
a. and
b. but
c. but also
d. or

09.Banning smoking and ________ in public places are believed 
to bring many significant positive effects to the society.
a. drink alcohol
b. to drink alcohol
c. drinking alcohol
d. alcohol drinking

10. Both platinum and gold _______ very hard to find which 
makes the minerals have a high trade values.
a. is
b. was
c. are
d. were

Instruction: Read the following sentences and choose the incorrect underlined part of the sentences.

11. The students did not pay attention to the headmasters’ speech and the
      teachers did not too.
12. Neither we nor they did not know the announcement issued yesterday.
13. We tried to save both our share and their credible in the stock market.
14. It is not truly, or some say directly, stress which causes skin problem
      but also  both smoke and alcohol do.

15. The employees feel disagreement to the new rules taken by the
     government and so did most private companies.


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